Services Offered
Need a few hours after school or on pro d-days, We have you covered for a few hours to all day when needed. We open 2-6pm Monday to Friday and 8am-6pm on Pro D Days
Please call us at 604-793-3852

Games are a great way to learn teamwork, fair play, and logic skills. We have pleanty of games to keep the kids entertained after school and a place they can make friends

we offer age appropriate games that allow the kids to develop skills including reading, math and problem solving skills through RPG like D&D, Pathfinder, and Everyday Heroes

We offer kids a chance to not only collect, but learn to play card games Like Pkemon and Lorcana to develop logic based skills, and improve reading in a friendly enviornment afterschool. Games like these help share intrests and develope friends after school.